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I am UmberDove.

And by that, I mean an artist.  One who hears stories in the wind, who paints because it is what her soul tells her to do, who smiths because the muse moves through her fingertips, who loves nothing more than the promise of an unexplored trail, the sound of the ocean in her ears, and scent of a serious cup of coffee.




One of the most gratifying moments for me, as an artist, is the moment a piece of work is framed and you realize you really like it after all (Framing a piece makes it final, and you have to stop critiquing it - a constant problem for me).


So I promise this will not turn into one of those annoying "here's more pictures of my cats!" blogs, but Thai (otherwise known as big pimpin') is just so cool, I had to share.


So a major color theme happening in the worlds of design and fashion is yellow. Its been going on for several months now, and seems totally appropriate for spring.
Design*Sponge had a whole post on yellow design products, and any design magazine you pick up will surely feature lots of sun-shiny color. I was reading through my new Domino mag (its my favorite - I'm pretty much guanteed to do absolutly nothing the first afternoon it arrives in the mail) while making breakfast, and realized I had a whole theme going on in my kitchen. So I had to share it. Who ever knew raw eggs could be so hip?


So in the serious editing of my life that is happening before the move, I decided to part with a large amount of my textile collection. After going through all the fabrics that I have collected in the past several years (amounting to more boxes than I will admit here) I narrowed it down to 1 1/2 bins, and listed the rest as "free to a textile artist" on craigslist. I emailed back and forth with a woman interested, who ended up coming by the house last night while I was at work, and picked up the boxes of fabric. She, Donna, emailed me later that night to send me a link to her ETSY shop, where she sells odd and occasionally dark little quilts. It was the best end I could have hoped for for my textiles, and made me so glad that I could freely give her so much material rather than bummed about my dwindling pile of fabric. So,. . Hooray for artists!!! Support the community!!


One of my favorite sounds is "kittty windchimes." This is the phenomena that occurs when fresh tuna is placed in little ceramic bowls for the boys, and as they eat, their name tags gently chime against the bowls.