Yesterday I felt the restlessness in my soul.
That rootless, anxious feeling when your feet never touch the ground
and your bones feel off, disjointed, floating about
Like they will get more work done without you.
I wanted to throw on my red cape like Vivan
And move with the wind
Hunched under a storm cloud
Voice masked by the rainfall.
To run with the breeze that flows in my bones like marrow.
Today I lost myself in the trees on the high bluffs.
Wading waist deep through the sword ferns
Moss applied like a salve.
The trees lean in
Muting my pounding foot-beats
Trunks gave way to open grasses
Where the crickets purr and whistle
Gulls replace the chickadees
My footsteps lost in the sand.
My toes know my knees, know my spine, know my shoulders,
All pumping in time to my heart.
I feel whole