Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
The votes have been cast and the results are in! Mister Brian Wigand of the lovey-dovey story number three is the winner of the Umber Dove Birthday Contest and the (soon to be) proud new owner of an Umber Dove pillow!

And a super huge thank you to all who took the time to send in stories (and to those - Sam - who are still going to...), I truly enjoyed reading each and every one!
In other realms of life, I am the proud new owner of an amazing work of art that sits weighty on my chest, a searing heat that soaks into my body.
Ladies mine, near and far, the givers of my Seraphim necklace, I love and treasure you. Your thousand wings lift my sights, lending strength, whispering encouragement, buoying my spirits, protecting my soul. I love you. You know who you are, and even more importantly, I know who you are, and I am thankful for the gift of your friendships.