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I am UmberDove.

And by that, I mean an artist.  One who hears stories in the wind, who paints because it is what her soul tells her to do, who smiths because the muse moves through her fingertips, who loves nothing more than the promise of an unexplored trail, the sound of the ocean in her ears, and scent of a serious cup of coffee.


Train Stop Lovin'


I feel like life has been moving at express train speed.
I've so much to say, to share, to show but those wheel just keep on turning.

Thank God for grabbing tall, dark and handsome you plant a big one on in a train yard, eh?

At any rate, we're hitting the road in just a few hours for another whirlwind blitz to Northern California and back. I'm well stocked with raw veggies, my crochet hook and about 15 balls o' yarn (just WAIT till you see the yarny lust I've been struck with) and a slew of long talks BC and I need to chew over slowly. Like I said, so much to say...

I miss you.

But I'll be back next week.

Carry on little steam engine.