Loving Kindness
I do not often discuss matters of current news, foreign affairs or domestic politics publicly, here on my blog. This place is my little haven and there are millions of other places to read up on the world's turns.
But something about the recent earthquake and subsequent tsunamis in Japan have stuck to my skin in a way that compels me. Private gestures seemed somehow short, so I spent a deal of time mulling over how to give, and give publicly.
I spent much time thinking, breathing, wishing quiet prayers of loving kindness upon those who need it so desperately right now. And in that spirit I sketched, then cut, then tooled, then painted, then punched, then stitched and finally photographed these pieces.
But something about the recent earthquake and subsequent tsunamis in Japan have stuck to my skin in a way that compels me. Private gestures seemed somehow short, so I spent a deal of time mulling over how to give, and give publicly.
I spent much time thinking, breathing, wishing quiet prayers of loving kindness upon those who need it so desperately right now. And in that spirit I sketched, then cut, then tooled, then painted, then punched, then stitched and finally photographed these pieces.
Loving Kindness
1. Because the world needs more of it.
2. Because acts of kindness, motivated by love, carried out with a pure spirit never go unnoticed.
3. Because I'm enamored with the idea of a key fob acting as a tiny prayer flag; every time it flips through the air sending small blessings across the globe.
4. Because I love a physical reminder to pray, a solid prompt to be carried every where, every day.
5. Because you and I, he and she, and ALL of them deserve it.
There are five key fobs, each sporting a slightly different color-way, each sporting an individual sprinkling of cherry blossoms, headed to the shop momentarily. I will be donating fifty-percent of the price to Doctors Without Borders** so that you and I can BOTH physically and monetarily send our love and our kindness.
Thank you my friends, for hearing me out and your prayers on wings!
~ Umber
** Doctors Without Borders is an amazing program, doing good across this earth. The donation from the sale of these key fobs will be an open donation (not necessarily specific to Japan) so that the money can be used immediately and where the need is greatest.